Music and Healing: Why Mozart?

The influence of Mozart: what is it?

A few years ago there was quite a lot in newspapers and popular magazines about the "Mozart effect." Many people believed that just listening to the music of Mozart would increase their IQ, and traders went to work from Mozart's music CD churn out for almost every conceivable task, day or night. As a professional musician and musicologist, I had a little problem with this idea then I still do. However, after talking with a friend, Don Campbell, author of "The Mozart Effect," I believe that in any way tried to mislead the public to think that it does. His definition of the "Mozart effect" is simply using any music at all for any purpose the treatment at all. It is quite broad, all-embracing concept. Because I believe in this, I submitted two stories from my practice of medicine music, which are subsequently incorporated into the book. Still, confusion exists, and I thought it might be useful to clarify a bit on some of the original research.

It is said that Albert Einstein was the average student than he began to play the violin. "Before that, he had to do, in order to express what he knew," says Hazel Cheilek, Orchestra Director Thomas Fairfax County, the Jefferson high school for science and technology, a magnet school, where more than a third of the students also play or sing in the musical files. "Einstein said that he had some of his greatest inspiration in playing the violin. It took his brain so that he could imagine. " In the early 1700s, the English King George I also felt that it would be better to decide if listening to good music. Allegedly, Handel said his water music suite in the fold for the playback, while the King was on his Royal Thames barges. Even Plato in ancient Greece believed studying music has created a sense of order and harmony needed for intelligent thinking. Music can really do to think better?

In 1993, researchers from the University of California at Irvine found. "Mozart effect"-that the college students who listened to 10 minutes of Mozart WA Sonata for two pianos in D major K448 before taking IQ test scored nine points higher than when they sat quietly or listening to relaxation tapes. Other studies have shown that people retain information better if you hear classical music, Baroque, or in the Studio.

The most significant impact will be for small children, while their brain literally grow. This year, the same researchers in the Center for the Neurobiology of learning Irvin and memory found that children in the pre-school age, who got eight months of music lessons scored 80 percent higher at object-Assembly tasks than did the other young people who received no musical training. This means that the students of the music increased spatial time considerations-the ability to think abstractly and visualize physical forms and their possible variations, a higher level of knowledge vital for mathematics and engineering.

Music students continue to beat their non-arts peers on the SAT, according to the 1999 "Profiles customer SAT and Achievement Test" by The College Board. Students in the course in the Music Studio/appreciation recorded 61 points higher verbal part of the test and 42 points higher than students of mathematics without a course or experience in the field of art. Students in music performance scored 53 points higher verbal part and 39 points higher mathematical part than students without the participation of the art.

Medium set score for students with ročníkovou work or experience in music-1999

Music: the study or Evaluation

Vocabulary: 538

Mathematics: 534

Music Performance

Verbal: 530

Mathematics: 531

No annual or experience

Vocabulary: 477

Mathematics: 492

All of this is to say "you judge", but to listen to Mozart certainly won't hurt. My attitude is always to make music that's better passive listening and listening to live music, it is always better to listen to recorded music. Mozart will not be repeated, NOT raise their I.Q. but this could help to organize my thoughts better, before you start a standardized test. Dr. Alfred Tomatis, who with Don Campbell and I so studied and studying the medicinal benefits of Mozart's music, it is recommended that five of the violin concerti of Mozart's music above all others for medicinal properties. Please, don't hesitate to write me with any questions you may have about the Mozart or anything else in connection with the music and healing.

We help people use the music for healing and wellness, Dr. Alice Cash stresses the use of music for the health, education, motivation, relaxation, energy, buildings, or well-being. She is known internationally for her work with music and pregnancy, surgery, dependencies, and Alzheimer's disease. Concert pianist, musicologist and psychotherapist, she traveled around the world, teaching, entertainment and offers the hope of thousands of people with various conditions.

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